Best Poster Award

Best Poster Award

The International Electric Propulsion Conference Best Poster Award (BPA) is an Electric Rocket Propulsion Society (ERPS)-sponsored award that, starting in 2017, will be presented at each International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC). The BPA is intended to recognize the best current research in the field of EP and, for this, participants will display a visual representation (poster) of their research findings at the Poster Session to be held from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday 25th. Posters will be judged on criteria like:

- Research Quality

- Level of Innovation

- Significance/Potential Impact

- Excellence of Presentation.

Poster Application/Submission

Applications for participation in the IEPC Poster Session are to be submitted in the form of an abstract consisting of at least 250 (but no more than 500) words describing the research to be presented. The submission must also include the poster title, participant names, the name of the sponsoring research institution, and contact information (name, phone number, and email address) for the principal point-of-contact (POC – typically the lead author). The poster abstract submission date is the second Friday in May, the year of the IEPC. Poster abstracts are to be submitted through the “Upload Abstracts” link of the IEPC website. Please preface the title of the upload file with the word Poster, i.e., “Poster – Title of the Abstract.


Prospective authors who have submitted an abstract for a paper and oral presentation at the Conference but cannot meet the paper submission deadline can petition the GC to accept a poster on the topic of the withdrawn paper. Requests for this “paper-to-poster” change must be submitted to the Technical Chair and GC.

Poster Requirements

Size: Posters will be A0 size portrait orientation


Title: The title will be a one-line description of the research followed by 1) a list of the names of all participants (Principal Investigator first), 2) the name of the sponsoring institution, and 3) primary contact information for the PI including name, phone, email, if appropriate, a project website.


Poster Content: The body of the poster will clearly illustrate the objective and results of the research. Key context, terms, and concepts will be included (please avoid jargon). Authors are encouraged to be creative and to include graphics, charts, and graphs.


General Rules: Posters are to be printed on lightweight paper or cloth so that can be mounted using thumbtacks. Do not print on thick foam-core board or other heavy boards. The 3’ by 4’ limit will be strictly enforced due to space limitations. No electrical outlets, tables, or chairs will be provided for poster displays.


Award Evaluation Criteria (100 points total)

Posters will be ranked on following four equally weighted judging criteria:


  1. Quality of the Research - Are the theoretical/experimental/numerical results of a high quality? Are sources of error and uncertainty discussed? (25%)
  2. Level of Innovation - Does the paper demonstrate an innovative and original approach to addressing the described research? (25%)
  3. Significance/Potential Impact of the Research - Does the presented approach/results have the potential to significantly impact the area of research interest described. For example, can the research findings be implemented to 1) develop a new concept of value; 2) make meaningful improvements in current approaches; 3) generate new opportunities for the application of EP and/or 4) change the way mission planners view EP? (25%)
  4. Excellence of Presentation – Is the poster well designed and organized? Are the major points clearly and concisely illustrated? Are the graphics clear and easy to interpret? (25%).

Contact us

IEPC Secretariat

6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038

31029 Toulouse Cedex 4


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